The Latest From Paw Patrol

March 2022

The Importance of Decompression

The decompression phase of new dog ownership refers to the time dogs need to unwind after arriving at a new home. Whether it is their permanent home or a temporary home at a foster’s house, it is a crucial time for the dog to assimilate properly.

Why do dogs need to decompress?
If a dog doesn't decompress properly, it can lead to behavioral issues like extreme aggression or extreme submission. They are more likely to have accidents in the house and can be more skittish towards people and other dogs. They might be coming from a stressful environment so you want to create as smooth of a transition as possible. Dogs have trust issues just like people and need time to assimilate into their new home. Even if the dog came from a calm environment, they might still be cautious and feel nervous. It takes you awhile to get used to a new house, so expect the same from your dog! It is also a good time for them to slowly get to know your other animals. Your animals are used to your house but a new pet can upset the dynamic and cause stress for them as well, so you want to make sure they have time to decompress too. Also be sure to slowly introduce your current pets to your new pets. This may look like letting the new dog sniff around the house by themselves to get used to the new smells.

How long does it take a dog to decompress?
It depends on the dog. Some dogs assimilate fairly quickly while others do not. Age is a large factor, younger dogs tend to adapt quicker to new environments than older dogs. On average, it can take 4-6 weeks for dogs to decompress. The key is to have no expectations and to be patient. Even if the dog seems to hate the environment at first, that does not mean it will be forever. You need to be willing to work with the dog and give it a chance to get comfortable. They’re personality may do a complete 180 so give them a chance, you might be surprised by the results.

Some helpful tips…

Be sure to remain calm Keeping your new dog on a leash may help correct behavioral issues and keep them and your other pets safe. It is a great way to stay in control and helps the dog learn the rules of your house.

Crate train
A crate can be a safe haven for your new dog and is another great way to keep them and your other pets safe. They can be great tools to alleviate separation anxiety, accidents in the house, and resource guarding. Once pets are crate trained, they will happily go into their crate and it will create a calm environment for everyone involved.

Exercise them
Be sure to exercise your new dog, just as you would your other dogs. Playing with them will create a positive environment for them and also will help them burn off some of their anxiety. Interacting with your new dog will help them trust you more and you can build a healthy relationship!

Be sure to keep a routine
Another way to build trust with your new pet is by establishing a routine and sticking to it. Dogs are creatures of habit, they are happiest when they know what to expect from their environment. After establishing a routine, they will be comfortable with some small changes but it is best to be as consistent as possible. Their routine can include eating, sleeping, playing and maybe even cuddling!

If you ever have any issues or questions it never hurts to reach out to us to get tips! You can email Paw Patrol Dayton at or check our website for resources.

January 2022

Why Adopt A Senior Pet

It is no secret that kittens and puppies are popular when it comes to adopting. What many people do not consider is the time and energy it takes to keep up with a younger pet. You need to house break them, teach them manners, and most times, watch them like a hawk so they do not get into any mischief. So why not consider a senior pet? They may be a better fit for you and your lifestyle and here is why:

1. There are little, to no, surprises when it comes to adopting a senior pet
With a senior pet, what you see is what you get. Their personalities are well established and there is little, to no, risk of having a senior pet change on you. With younger animals, there is a risk of an evolving personality which can be a lot of fun, but also a lot to keep up with. Senior pets are pretty well established and that can lead to an easier assimilation into your life.

2. Less stress
You may not be in the right phase of your life to chase a young puppy or kitten around, so a slow moving senior may be a better fit. They enjoy leisurely walks and gentle play, if they are up for playing. You can rest assured that a senior pet is content to just sit on your lap or by your side with no pressure to entertain them! It is just like having an old friend over to catch up, with no pressure to be interesting. If you are an introvert, you know exactly what I am talking about! You also don't have to worry about training a senior pet so you can sit back, relax, and enjoy each other's company.

3. They make great companions for all lifestyles
You may enjoy a slow paced lifestyle and have no desire to quicken that pace. That is where a senior pet is a perfect addition to your household. You both can enjoy leisurely walks or just sitting on the couch to watch TV. They are happy to just hang out! A senior pet may also be a good choice with young children, because there is less chance of rough play that causes extra caution in a household (however, we caution that sometimes kids may be too rambunctious for the senior pet).

4. Old dogs CAN learn new tricks
Contrary to popular belief, old dogs (and cats) can learn new tricks. Don't let the idea that old pets are stubborn, and won't learn new things, keep you from adopting an older pet. They have collected a lot of wisdom in their long life and can therefore be great learners. In fact, in some instances senior pets can be easier to train since they're not as active as younger pets. You do need to keep physical and mental limits in mind when dealing with an older pet, but most of them are just happy to be with you and please you.

5. They make great therapy pets
Because senior pets are calmer and a lot of times, low-maintenance, they can make great therapy animals. Senior pets can be more in tune to your emotions given their long life and experience. They may be just what you need when you are having a bad day or need daily emotional support. Snuggling up with a senior pet can lift your spirits by just having someone there for you and in turn, you can feel good about being there for a senior animal who may have otherwise been looked over.

Senior pets are typically the first to be euthanized at local shelters, so you could very well be saving a life when you adopt a senior over a puppy or a kitten. They may not be for everyone, but if the above information resonates with you and your lifestyle, you should consider it! Paw Patrol Dayton typically has senior pets available. Be sure to check out our Adopt page on our website or visit our Facebook page and help an animal find their forever home!

October 2021

Benefits of Fostering

Paw Patrol Dayton is one of many animal rescues that is reliant on volunteers. That includes, but is not limited to, fostering dogs in need. We are always in need of loving people who care just as much about the well-being of animals as we do. If you are looking for a fulfilling volunteer opportunity or simply want to see if owning a dog is a good choice for you, fostering might be exactly what you need.

Why foster?

It gives you the experience of dog ownership while you find a home for your foster dog. If you have the means and the proper household for owning a dog but don’t want to commit to being a long-term pet owner, you should consider fostering. There is also a chance you fall in love with the dog that you are fostering and decide to keep it, giving the dog its forever home. It is a win/win!

Fostering can help a dog acclimate back into a loving environment which will make them more adoptable. There can be cases where a dog has come from an unsafe living condition and they may have behavioral issues due to a lack of care. With the right person, they can become their true selves and learn to trust again. Just like people, dogs can have trust issues from past trauma. Some dogs need a little more time than others and the right environment can help them immensely.

According to Sarah Ingram, a Paw Patrol Dayton foster, fostering can be an incredibly rewarding experience. As stated in her article, Six Benefits of Fostering a Dog in Need:

“When the day comes that your foster finds that perfect home, the rewarding feeling you will experience is something very special. You will feel a sense of pride in knowing what you helped that dog accomplish in his time with you. You will feel overjoyed, that he has found his forever family, and his happy ending that all homeless dogs so desire. And while certainly some goodbyes can be tough, knowing that a dog has found his happy ending, and that another precious life awaits to be afforded your gifts, is as a good of a feeling as there is!”

Fostering can be an exciting new journey, but also maybe a scary one. Don’t worry, you are not alone! Paw Patrol Dayton has a network of seasoned fosters who are always there to answer any questions and offer guidance. It is also a great way to make friends who love animals just as much as you do. The more people there are to foster animals in need, the less animals there will be in shelters, on the streets and/or in unsafe living conditions. If you have ever considered fostering, it never hurts to ask more questions, reach out to Paw Patrol Dayton today for more information!

August 2021

Hiring Professional Trainers

What You Need To Know

Has your dog developed habits you do not agree with? Are you a new dog parent who has no idea how to train your new pup? Being a dog parent can be incredibly similar to being a human parent. A lot of well meaning friends might try to give you unsolicited advice and they may all suggest different techniques for raising and training your furry friend. It can be very confusing to new dog owners. Hiring a professional trainer will help clear up a lot of questions and help you find the best techniques for you and your pets.

It is important that you communicate openly with your trainer and make it clear what your expectations are about training sessions. Ask a LOT of questions! Their job is to guide you in your dog’s training so you get the most out of your time with them. The ultimate goal is for you to be confident in your ability to train your dog without the trainer’s assistance.

You also need to be open to change. The trainer might suggest techniques that may seem awkward at first but they are professionals so it is important to listen to them in order for you to not waste your time or money. Stay focused on the end result and remain patient. For some dogs, breaking bad habits can be a lot of work but with the right care and attention they can become the good boy or girl they were always destined to be.

In order to achieve the best results in a timely manner, you need to do your homework. Your trainer or consultant will probably give you homework between each training session so you can be actively working on training your dog without their assistance. It might be helpful to schedule training sessions with your dog daily so your busy schedule does not get in the way. This is also a great way to bond with your dog which will get you the best results in the end. The more you do it, the quicker they will learn!

Again, open communication with your trainer or consultant is key so if something isn’t working for you and your dog, tell them. A decent trainer can adjust the method to better suit you and your dog’s needs. That does not mean you should give up on their methods after a few tries. Consistency is key and it might take your dog a little longer to learn, which is ok! Be patient with your pooch and try to enjoy the process. You and your dog will develop a stronger bond and have a better understanding of each other in the end.

April 2021

Flea & Tick Control

What You Need To Know

The temperatures are rising, which means it’s time to be thinking about your pet’s flea and tick medicine. As early as March, fleas and ticks can start to become a threat to your furry friend, depending on where you live. Your pet being protected is about more than just their comfort, their health can be at stake, too. Ticks can carry diseases like Lyme disease, Ehrlichiosis, Anaplasmosis, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Babesiosis, Bartonellosis, and Hepatozoonosis. These can pose a serious threat to both you and your pet, so be sure to get your pet treated as soon as possible. Don’t forget to get your indoor/outdoor cat treated, as well!

There are a LOT of products on the market! Always be sure to talk to your vet about what the best medicine would be for your furry friends. Some flea medication from the store can be harmful to your pet as it can cause an allergic reaction or in some instances, a chemical burn. Products are size and species-specific, so be careful on what dosage you give your pet. Age is also a factor that needs to be considered. Store bought flea shampoo is a less intense product that can be used on your pet, but is not a perfect long term solution. It is always best to consult a vet about the best route to take and can be discussed at your pet’s annual checkup.

Warmer months also mean mosquitos, which can transmit heartworms to your pets, as well. Be sure to treat your pets with heartworm prevention throughout the year, but especially through the warmer months. One mosquito bite is enough to infect your dog with this horrible disease in which worms literally start eating your dog's heart. Not only is treatment expensive, it is hard on the dog, much like chemo for a cancer patient. Pet rescues, like Paw Patrol, will not allow adoption if your current pets are not on this extremely important prevention.

If you are a new pet parent, below is a list of questions you can ask your vet when it comes to flea, tick, and heartworm prevention products:

  • How often should I apply this product?
  • How long until this product begins to work?
  • If I see a flea or a tick, does that mean this is not an effective product for my pet and should I try something else?
  • What should I do if my pet does have a reaction to the product?
  • In what cases will I have to use more than one product?
  • If I do need multiple products, how should I go about using them together

Lastly, be sure to get your pet’s annual vet checks. Pets cannot tell you when they are not feeling like themselves so annual check-ups can prevent more serious issues. As always, remember that our pets are our families and deserve the same attention to their health that you would give to other family members. Pets deserve to be comfortable and healthy, too!

January 2021

Doggonit, It’s Cold Outside!

Keeping your dog safe and warm this winter

Its winter and the temperatures are dropping. Now is the time to be extra warm and cozy. You have your hot tea, perhaps a heated blanket beside a cozy fire even. Where is your dog? Are they curled up beside you or does he/she have his own humble home outside? Is he/she as warm and comfortable as you? These are the questions that need to be asked in the cold Ohio months when the temperature can drop to dangerous lows. Here is how to make sure your pup is comfortable this winter.

  • Do not let your indoor/outdoor dog out for very long. On days when it is extremely cold, do not let your dog out for very long. Breeds like huskies who have longer hair can withstand colder temperatures (and let’s be honest, probably love it) more so than short haired breeds but that still doesn’t mean you should leave your dog out longer than fifteen minutes or so. When it is below freezing, maybe limit it to ten minutes no matter how much they want to play. It is also important to limit walk times as well if you take your dog on daily walks.
  • Speaking of walks...If you take your buddy for a walk and there is salt on the ground, make sure to clean off their paws. Not only can your dog leave mischievous paw prints around your house from the salt, but the chemicals can be extremely harmful if they happen to ingest it.
  • Build a doghouse and keep it insulated. If there are extenuating circumstances that have led you to keep your dog mostly outside, make sure they have a shelter of some kind. You can create a warm spot in your shed for your dog with warm blankets (but be sure the blankets are dry so they don’t get wet and very cold) and/or straw. Some are lucky enough to have a heated shelter of some kind but therein lies the issue of a potential fire hazard. If you do not have a shelter already, why not build one? You can also purchase already built shelters or dog houses for your yard. Just be sure to insulate wherever your furry friend is spending their time. We do always advise to bring dogs inside whenever you can and we are more than happy to help you find the best solution for you!
  • Too cold for you? Might be time to bring them inside! Some of us have a very high tolerance for cold. There are people who continue to wear shorts when it is 30 degrees out, hey we don’t judge. But as a rule, when the temperature drops below 45 degrees it might be time to bring your pet indoors. Below 45 degrees is about where dogs might start getting uncomfortable with the temperature and while a well insulated doghouse can do wonders, it might not be enough to keep your pet comfortable and healthy.

As we said before, if you are in need of a shelter or a solution to keeping your pet outside, we can help! Give us a call at 937-350-1729 and we will try and assist any way we can whether that be advice or building a doghouse for you. We will always be a trusted resource in Dayton, Ohio for keeping pets happy and healthy!